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2023-09-29 08:05:50 +03:00
{"openapi":"3.0.1","info":{"title":"Profee WaaS integration API","description":"<h1>Welcome to the Profee wallet-as-a-service API documentation.</h1>\n<p>Our API allow you to embed financial services into your product: enable your users to hold funds, manage cash flow,\n issue virtual card and make payments.</p>\n<p>\n This documentation provides you with the following information divided into sections:\n</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Authentication: procedure we use for verifying clients connecting to API;\n We use basic authorization, which works quite simple: just encode in base64 the following\n 'your login':'password' and put the result under authorization header.\n </li>\n <li>Wallets: creation of user wallet, getting information about wallet state and upgrading to verified level that\n increases wallet available limits;\n </li>\n <li>Payments: obtain information about available payment methods, checking availability and charges applied to\n specific payment, payment creation;\n </li>\n <li>Cards: creation of virtual card for your user and obtaining card details, balance, transaction history,\n getting\n </li>\n</ul>\n<p>\n list of tokenized cards issued in other banks available for user to make transfers.\n</p>\n<p>\n This is a living document to be updated regularly with new functionality. To access our sandbox or address questions\n to our developers please contact: <a href=\"\"></a>\n</p>","license":{"name":"Profee","url":""},"version":"v0.0.1"},"servers":[{"url":"http://localhost:8080","description":"Generated server url"}],"tags":[{"name":"Payments","description":"We provide the list of payments methods for registered users. For each payment method, we give you a unique `methodId`.\n\nPayment methods are divided by types, provided in `methodType`.\n\n### Method types:\n\n- `Wallet to wallet` - a payment between users and their wallets.\n- `Wallet to partner` - a payment from user's wallet to partner.\n- `Paysafecash to wallet` - a topping up users wallet via Paysafecash. Give the opportunity to up users wallet with cash.\n- `Shift to card`- a payment from user's wallet to card issued via Profee.\n- `Shift to wallet` - a payment from card issued via Profee to user's wallet.\n\n![WAAS API - payment methods](img/WAAS_API_-_Payment_methods.jpg)\n\nOverview of steps:\n\n![WAAS API - payments steps](img/WAAS_API_-_Payment_steps.jpg)"},{"name":"Wallets","description":"We create a wallet for each User of our partner, which is the registration of users.\nIt is the starting point for interacting with our service\n\nWe have several critical restrictions for registering clients creating wallets:\n\n- The User must be over 18 years old\n- Unique phone number\n- Unique email\n\nOverview of steps:\n\n![WAAS API - Wallet steps](img/WAAS_API_-_Wallet_steps.jpg)"},{"name":"Cards","description":"Our service allows you to issue bank cards for users. We can issue virtual and plastic cards. We also have a partner who will deliver plastic cards. Check the list of countries supported for cards delivery.\n\nWe will provide you different `productId` in order to issue plastic and virtual card on stage and product environments.\n\n> 💡 Сard issuing is available only for verified users and users with level PLUS or PREMIUM. You can check it via request `/get-wallet`\n\nOverview of steps:\n\n![WAAS API - card](img/WAAS_API_-_Card.jpg)"}],"paths":{"/wallet/get-wallet":{"post":{"tags":["Wallets"],"summary":"Get wallet","description":"Returns current limit and wallet status.","operationId":"getWallet","parameters":[{"name":"waas-client-ip","in":"header","required":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"requestBody":{"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiRequestContainerGetWalletRequestDto"}}},"required":true},"responses":{"200":{"description":"OK","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiResponseContainerWalletDto"}}}}}}},"/wallet/get-verificat