JIrcBot documentation

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MODULE: AdminListener

Admin commands of the bot
Must be send in private dialog
You must be the owner of the bot (config.json) and your nick must be registered and verified at server


  1. cmd

    Description: send RAW command to server (be careful with that shit!)

    Example: ?cmd [ANY COMMAND WITH PARAMS]

  2. join

    Description: joins given channel on current server

    Example: ?join [#CHANNEL_NAME]

  3. kick

    Description: kick user from channel

    Example: ?kick [#CHANNEL_NAME] [YOUR_HOSTILE_NICK]

  4. leave

    Description: joins given channel on current server

    Example: ?leave [#CHANNEL_NAME]

  5. op|deop

    Description: give / take away OP user status


  6. privmsg

    Description: send private message

    Example: ?privmsg [YOUR_FRIEND_NICK]

  7. restart

    Description: trying to restart the bot on current server

    Example: ?restart

  8. set

    Description: set ON|OFF any of bot opportunity for channel


    autorejoin | auto-rejoin - auto rejoin channel on kicking
    bash | bashorg - bach.org quoting
    deferredmessages | deferred-messages | tell - saving and delivering deferred messages
    gs | googlesearch | google-search - search in Google
    grammar | grammarcorrection | grammar-correction - grammar checker (does not work in current version)
    hello | helloonjoin | hello-on-join - sending your phrase on user joins
    links | linkpreview | links-preview - sending titles of web pages by given URL
    logging | log - logging for channel
    regex | regexp | regexchecker | regexpchecker | regex-checker | regexp-checker - regular expression checker
    advice | advices - give yor friend advices
    calc | calculator - calculator
    quiz - quiz

    Example: ?set [#CHANNEL_NAME] [OPPORTUNITY] [ON|OFF]

MODULE: BashOrgListener

Send bash.org quotes in channel on your request


  1. bash

    Description: Send random quote from bash.org to channel

    Example: ?bash

MODULE: DeferredMessagesListener

This module is like answerphone - it stores your speech to any opponent into bot's database and when your opponent becomes online (joins channel and starts to speak) the bot notice him/her with your deferred messages.


  1. forget

    Description: If you do not want to read all messages deferred to you this command tells the bot do not disturb you this time

    Example: ?forget

  2. read

    Description: Let the bot send you all the messages deferred to you this time in private dialogue

    Example: ?read

  3. tell

    Description: Let the bot keep in mind your message to any opponent

    Example: ?tell [YOUR_FRIEND] [YOUR MESSAGE]

MODULE: GoogleSearchListener

Make a search in Google for you


  1. gs

    Description: Search it

    Example: ?gs [WHAT YOU WANT TO SEARCH]

MODULE: HelloOnJoinListener

The bot greets everyone joining the channel
You can set the greeting text using Admin module


MODULE: LinkPreviewListener

With this module enabled into Admin module the bot will send the title of every URL found in messages posted in channel


MODULE: LoggerListener

This module logs all the messages into database for being able to observe in Web


MODULE: PingPongListener

Try to play ping-pong if you not aware of is the bot here


  1. ping

    Description: Returns pong

    Example: ?ping

MODULE: RegexCheckerListener


  1. regex

    Description: Checks if given message with given regular expression

    Example: ?regex

MODULE: StatisticsListener


  1. stats

    Description: Provides statistics for channel

    Example: ?stats [D(ay)|M(onth)|Y(ear)|A(ll)] [ALL]

(c) bvn13
powered with PircBotX