package ru.bvn13.jircbot.listeners; import; import; import; import org.pircbotx.hooks.types.GenericMessageEvent; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import ru.bvn13.jircbot.config.JircBotConfiguration; import ru.bvn13.jircbot.database.entities.ChannelSettings; import; import ru.bvn13.jircbot.documentation.DescriptionProvided; import ru.bvn13.jircbot.documentation.DocumentationProvider; import ru.bvn13.jircbot.documentation.ListenerDescription; import ru.bvn13.jircbot.model.Config; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import static ru.bvn13.jircbot.documentation.ListenerDescription.CommandDescription; /** * Created by bvn13 on 27.03.2018. */ @Component public class AdminListener extends ImprovedListenerAdapter implements DescriptionProvided { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdminListener.class); private static final String COMMAND = "?"; private JircBotConfiguration configuration; private ChannelSettingsService channelSettingsService; @Autowired public AdminListener(DocumentationProvider documentationProvider) { this.registerDescription(documentationProvider); } @Override public ListenerDescription getDescription() { return ListenerDescription.create() .setModuleName("AdminListener") .setModuleDescription("Admin commands of the bot\nMust be send in private dialog\nYou must be the owner of the bot (config.json) and your nick must be registered and verified at server") .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("join") .description("joins given channel on current server") .example("?join [#CHANNEL_NAME]") .build() ) .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("leave") .description("joins given channel on current server") .example("?leave [#CHANNEL_NAME]") .build() ) .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("restart") .description("trying to restart the bot on current server") .example("?restart") .build() ) .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("privmsg") .description("send private message") .example("?privmsg [YOUR_FRIEND_NICK]") .build() ) .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("cmd") .description("send RAW command to server (be careful with that shit!)") .example("?cmd [ANY COMMAND WITH PARAMS]") .build() ) .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("op|deop") .description("give / take away OP user status") .example("?op [#CHANNEL_NAME] [YOUR_FRIEND_NICK]\n?deop [#CHANNEL_NAME] [YOUR_HOSTILE_NICK]") .build() ) .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("kick") .description("kick user from channel") .example("?kick [#CHANNEL_NAME] [YOUR_HOSTILE_NICK]") .build() ) .addCommand(CommandDescription.builder() .command("set") .description("set ON|OFF any of bot opportunity for channel\n\n"+ "Opportunities: \n\n"+ "autorejoin | auto-rejoin - auto rejoin channel on kicking\n"+ "bash | bashorg - quoting\n"+ "deferredmessages | deferred-messages | tell - saving and delivering deferred messages\n"+ "s | search - search in DuckDuckGo for you\n"+ "grammar | grammarcorrection | grammar-correction - grammar checker (does not work in current version)\n"+ "hello | helloonjoin | hello-on-join - sending your phrase on user joins\n"+ "links | linkpreview | links-preview - sending titles of web pages by given URL\n"+ "logging | log - logging for channel\n"+ "regex | regexp | regexchecker | regexpchecker | regex-checker | regexp-checker - regular expression checker\n"+ "advice | advices - give your friend advices\n"+ "calc | calculator - calculator\n"+ "quiz - quiz\n") .example("?set [#CHANNEL_NAME] [OPPORTUNITY] [ON|OFF]") .build() ) ; } @Override public void onJoin(JoinEvent event) throws Exception { super.onJoin(event); if (event.getChannel().getName().startsWith("#")) { if (event.getUser() != null && event.getBot().getNick().equalsIgnoreCase(event.getUser().getNick())) { event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLineNow("MODE " + event.getBot().getUserBot().getNick() + " +B"); try { channelSettingsService.createChannelSettings(JircBot.extractServer(event.getBot().getServerHostname()), event.getChannel().getName()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not create channel settings for channel "+event.getChannel().getName()+" at "+event.getBot().getServerHostname(), e); } } } } @Override public void onMessage(MessageEvent event) throws Exception { super.onMessage(event); Config config = getBotConfig(event); if (config == null) { return; } if (event.getUser() != null && event.getUser().isVerified() && !config.getMasterNick().isEmpty() && config.getMasterNick().equals(event.getUser().getNick())) { if (event.getMessage().startsWith(COMMAND)) { String command = event.getMessage().substring(COMMAND.length()); String[] commands = command.trim().split(" ", 2); if (commands[0].startsWith("+") || commands[0].startsWith("-")) { boolean isApply = commands[0].startsWith("+"); command = commands[0].substring(1); switch (command.toLowerCase()) { case "op" : if (commands.length == 1) { event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("PRIVMSG chanserv :" + (!isApply ? "deop" : "op") + " " + event.getChannel().getName() + " " + event.getUser().getNick()); } else { event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("PRIVMSG chanserv :" + (!isApply ? "deop" : "op") + " " + event.getChannel().getName() + " " + commands[1]); } break; case "v" : case "voice": if (commands.length == 1) { event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("MODE " + event.getChannel().getName() + " " + (isApply ? "+" : "-") + "v " + event.getUser().getNick()); } else { event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("MODE " + event.getChannel().getName() + " " + (isApply ? "+" : "-") + "v " + commands[1]); } break; default: event.respond("Wrong command. Options: ?+ op|v[oice]"); break; } } else { switch (command.toLowerCase()) { case "inv" : case "invite" : if (command.length() > 1) { event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("INVITE " + event.getChannel().getName() + " " + commands[1]); } break; case "kick" : if (command.length() > 1) { event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("KICK " + event.getChannel().getName() + " " + commands[1] + (commands.length > 2 ? " "+commands[2] : "")); } break; default: //event.respond("Wrong command. Try to send it privately."); break; } } } } } @Override public void onPrivateMessage(PrivateMessageEvent event) throws Exception { super.onPrivateMessage(event); Config config = getBotConfig(event); if (config == null) { return; } if (event.getUser() != null && event.getUser().isVerified() && !config.getMasterNick().isEmpty() && config.getMasterNick().equals(event.getUser().getNick())) { if (event.getMessage().startsWith(COMMAND)) { String command = event.getMessage().substring(COMMAND.length()); String[] commands = command.trim().split(" ", 2); if (commands.length != 2) { event.respondPrivateMessage("Wrong command"); return; } String[] args = null; switch (commands[0].toLowerCase()) { case "restart": event.getBot().stopBotReconnect(); break; case "join" : event.getBot().sendIRC().joinChannel(commands[1]); event.respondPrivateMessage("done"); break; case "leave" : event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("PART "+commands[1]); event.respondPrivateMessage("done"); break; case "privmsg" : event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine("PRIVMSG "+commands[1]); event.respondPrivateMessage("done"); break; case "cmd" : //args = commands[1].split(" ", 2); event.getBot().sendRaw().rawLine(commands[1]); event.respondPrivateMessage("done"); break; case "set" : try { args = commands[1].split(" ", 3); // set, channel, mode/hello-message if (args.length == 3) { changeSettings(JircBot.extractServer(event.getBot().getServerHostname()), args[0], args[1], args[2]); //server, channel, settings, mode event.respondPrivateMessage("done"); } else { event.respondPrivateMessage("SYNTAX: ?set