# JProxy Project aimed to create multiply proxy servers and to manage them via web UI. ## Libraries and Frameworks 1. Java 8 (only tested) 2. Maven 3. SpringBoot 2.0.6 4. H2 database (embedded) 5. JMapper (from google) ## How to Install and Run ### Installation #### 1. Clone from repo or download a zip ``` $ wget https://github.com/bvn13/JProxy/archive/master.zip ``` #### 2. Unzip it ``` $ unzip master.zip ``` #### 3. Run maven ``` $ cd JProxy-master $ mvn package ``` __DONE__ ### Running ``` $ java -jar target/jproxy-1.0-jar ``` now open http://localhost:8080/ __DEFAULTS:__ - USER: user - PASSWORD: pass123 - change it in `/src/main/resources/application.properties` __screenshots__ ![very simple web UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bvn13/JProxy/master/img/login-page.png) ![very simple web UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bvn13/JProxy/master/img/first-view.png) ![very simple web UI](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bvn13/JProxy/master/img/proxy-form.png)