import glob import easywebdav import datetime import ntpath from zipfile import ZipFile as ZipFile from pymssql import _mssql import os import pprint from settings import settings now = nowDate = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") nowTime = now.strftime("%H%M%S") print("now: %s %s" % (nowDate, nowTime)) def getLocalFiles(dbname="") : return (glob.glob("%s%s%s" % (settings['path']['local'], dbname, settings['path']['fmask']))) def zipFiles(files) : newFiles = [] for fname in files : zipFname = "" % (fname,) print("creating zip: %s" % (zipFname,)) with ZipFile(zipFname, mode="w") as fzip : print(" - adding file: %s" % (fname,)) fzip.write(fname) fzip.close() newFiles.append(zipFname) print("deleting source file: %s" % (fname,)) os.remove(fname) return newFiles def uploadFiles(webdav, locFiles) : global now, nowDate, nowTime print("UPLOADING FILES") #pprint.pprint('/')) folderDate = "%s%s" % (settings['path']['remote'], nowDate) folderTime = "%s%s/%s" % (settings['path']['remote'], nowDate, nowTime) # folder like Date if not webdav.exists(folderDate) : webdav.mkdir(folderDate) print("WEBDAV: dir %s created" % (folderDate,)) #folder like Time if not webdav.exists(folderTime) : webdav.mkdir(folderTime) print("WEBDAV: dir %s created" % (folderTime,)) for file in locFiles : fname = ntpath.basename(file) remoteFname = "%s/%s" % (folderTime, fname) print("uploading file: %s -> %s" % (fname, remoteFname)) webdav.upload(file, remoteFname) def leftRemoteSpaceManagement(webdav) : global now, nowDate, nowTime print("LEFT SPACE MANAGEMENT") print("planned to left %s days" % (settings['space']['left_days'],)) days =['path']['remote']) currDay = int(nowDate) for file in days : if ( != '/') : day ='/', '') iDay = 0 try : iDay = int(day) except ValueError : print("unexpected day, skipped: %s, %s" % (, day)) continue if (currDay - iDay > int(settings['space']['left_days'])) : print("deleting remote folder: %s" % (,)) webdav.rmdir( else : print("skipping remote folder: %s" % (,)) return def backupDatabase(dbname) : print("making backup: %s" % (dbname,)) command = settings['sql']['command_full']['query'].replace("%dbname%", dbname).replace("%path%", settings['path']['local']) with _mssql.connect(server="localhost", user=settings['sql']['username'], password=settings['sql']['password'], database=dbname) as db : db.execute_non_query(command) return def deleteOldLocalBackups() : print("deleting old backups") for fname in glob.glob("%s%s" % (settings['path']['local'], settings['path']['allmask'])) : name = fname if (settings['zip']['make'] == 'yes') : name = "" % (name,) os.remove(name) print(" - deleted: %s" % (name,)) return def do() : deleteOldLocalBackups() webdav = easywebdav.connect(settings['account']['domain'], username=settings['account']['login'], password=settings['account']['pass'], protocol=settings['account']['protocol']) for dbname in settings['sql']['databases'] : backupDatabase(dbname) locFiles = getLocalFiles(dbname) if len(locFiles) == 0 : print("ERROR: cound not find expected backup of database: %s" % (dbname,)) continue if (settings['zip']['make'] == 'yes') : locFiles = zipFiles(locFiles) uploadFiles(webdav, locFiles) #at last leftRemoteSpaceManagement(webdav) return if __name__ == '__main__': print("starting backup") do() print("ended")