# 11ty-bulma starter 11ty-bulma starter is a basic template using 11ty and Bulma. - [DEMO](https://11ty-bulma-starter.netlify.app/) ## How to use 1. [Create a new repo from this 11ty-bulma starter template](https://github.com/J-Filip/11ty-bulma-starter/generate) 2. Install dependencies: `npm install` 3. Start development: `npm start` 4. Run website locally 5. To build the release version: `npm run build` 6. Site is ready for deployment, for example on Netlify ### This starter template uses [Bulma starter package](https://github.com/jgthms/bulma-star) with some changes: - unistalled node-sass (deprecated) and installed sass and sass-loader - updated bulma to newest version (^0.9.3) because of errors with sass