
52 lines
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--create schema covid;
create sequence covid.cvd_regions_seq start 1 increment by 1 no minvalue no maxvalue cache 1;
create table covid.regions
id bigint not null default nextval('covid.cvd_regions_seq')
constraint regions_pkey primary key,
name varchar(255) not null
constraint regions_name_uniq unique
alter table covid.regions owner to covid19;
alter sequence covid.cvd_regions_seq owner to covid19;
alter sequence covid.cvd_regions_seq owned by;
create sequence covid.cvd_updates_seq start 1 increment by 1 no minvalue no maxvalue cache 1;
create table covid.cvd_updates
id bigint not null default nextval('covid.cvd_updates_seq')
constraint cvd_updates_pkey primary key,
created_on timestamp
constraint cvd_upd_created_uniq unique,
datetime timestamp
alter table covid.cvd_updates owner to covid19;
alter sequence covid.cvd_updates_seq owner to covid19;
alter sequence covid.cvd_updates_seq owned by;
create sequence covid.cvd_stats_seq start 1 increment by 1 no minvalue no maxvalue cache 1;
create table if not exists covid.cvd_stats
id bigint not null default nextval('covid.cvd_stats_seq')
constraint cvd_stats_pkey primary key,
created_on timestamp,
died bigint not null,
healed bigint not null,
sick bigint not null,
region_id bigint
constraint fk_cvd_stats_region references covid.regions,
update_id bigint
constraint fk_cvd_stats_updates references covid.cvd_updates
alter table covid.cvd_stats owner to covid19;
alter sequence covid.cvd_stats_seq owner to covid19;
alter sequence covid.cvd_stats_seq owned by;