
237 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Dolores Portalatin <hello@doloresportalatin.info>
# Dependencies: imagemagick, i3lock-color-git, scrot, wmctrl (optional)
set -o errexit -o noclobber -o nounset
# Determines the brightness of the screenshot
# $1 - Image file to check
# $2 - Arguments passed to 'convert'. For example this can be used to crop the image, to just sample a part of it
get_brightness() {
# Quite fast way of getting a brightness value
convert "$1" +repage $2 -colorspace gray -format "%[fx:round(100*mean)]" info:
# Determines the width of the given text when processed using the text_options flag
# $1 - The text to checked
# Prints the text width in pixels to stdout
get_text_width() {
# empty text or text containing only whitespace would throw an error so we just return zero
if [ -z "${1// }" ]; then
echo 0
convert "${text_options[@]}" label:"$1" -format "%[fx:w]\n" info:
# Calculates the absolute positions for the lock and text or the given monitor, generates the command line arguemnts
# for convert that apply the lock icon and the text to the proper locations and adds them to the decorations_params array
# $1 - Monitor Width
# $2 - Monitor Height
# $3 - X Offset
# $4 - Y Offset
# Prints the brigthness in the center of the monitor to file descriptor 3
# This is used to determine the average brightness in the centers of all the monitors and to then set the proper colors
# for i3lock-color
process_monitor() {
# center coordinates relative to the current monitor
x_mid=$((width / 2))
y_mid=$((height / 2))
# absolute X, Y coordinates of the top left edge of the text
x_text=$((x_offset + x_mid - (text_width / 2)))
y_text=$((y_offset + y_mid + 160))
# absolute X, Y coordinates of the top left edge of the icon
# The lock icon has dimensions 60x60, we subtract half of that from each dimension
# If the lock dimensions ever change, these values here need to be changed too
x_icon=$((x_offset + x_mid - 30))
y_icon=$((y_offset + y_mid - 30))
# Get brightness for the middle of the monitor
brightness="$(get_brightness "$image" "-crop 100x100+$x_icon+$y_icon")"
if [ "$brightness" -gt "$threshold" ]; then # bright background image and black text
else # dark background image and white text
if [ "$text_width" -ne 0 ]; then
# Only add text flags, if there actually is text
decoration_params+=("${text_options[@]}" -fill "$text_color" -annotate "+$x_text+$y_text" "$text")
decoration_params+=("$icon" -geometry "+$x_icon+$y_icon" -composite)
# Write brightness to file descriptor
exec 3<<< "$brightness"
# get path where the script is located to find the lock icon
scriptpath=$(readlink -f -- "$0")
hue=(-level "0%,100%,0.6")
effect=(-filter Gaussian -resize 20% -define "filter:sigma=1.5" -resize 500.5%)
# default system sans-serif font
font=$(convert -list font | awk "{ a[NR] = \$2 } /family: $(fc-match sans -f "%{family}\n")/ { print a[NR-1]; exit }")
image="$(mktemp --suffix=.png)"
# brightness value to compare to, everything above is considered white and everything below black
shot=(import -window root)
i3lock_cmd=(i3lock -i "$image")
-h, --help This help menu.
-d, --desktop Attempt to minimize all windows before locking.
-g, --greyscale Set background to greyscale instead of color.
-p, --pixelate Pixelate the background instead of blur, runs faster.
-f <fontname>, --font <fontname> Set a custom font.
-t <text>, --text <text> Set a custom text prompt.
-l, --listfonts Display a list of possible fonts for use with -f/--font.
Note: this option will not lock the screen, it displays
the list and exits immediately.
-n, --nofork Do not fork i3lock after starting.
-- Must be last option. Set command to use for taking a
screenshot. Default is 'import -window root'. Using 'scrot'
or 'maim' will increase script speed and allow setting
custom flags like having a delay."
# move pipefail down as for some reason "convert -list font" returns 1
set -o pipefail
trap 'rm -f "$image"' EXIT
temp="$(getopt -o :hdnpglt:f: -l desktop,help,listfonts,nofork,pixelate,greyscale,text:,font: --name "$0" -- "$@")"
eval set -- "$temp"
# l10n support
text="Type password to unlock"
case "${LANG:-}" in
de_* ) text="Bitte Passwort eingeben" ;; # Deutsch
da_* ) text="Indtast adgangskode" ;; # Danish
en_* ) text="Type password to unlock" ;; # English
es_* ) text="Ingrese su contraseña" ;; # Española
fr_* ) text="Entrez votre mot de passe" ;; # Français
id_* ) text="Masukkan kata sandi Anda" ;; # Bahasa Indonesia
it_* ) text="Inserisci la password" ;; # Italian
pl_* ) text="Podaj hasło" ;; # Polish
pt_* ) text="Digite a senha para desbloquear" ;; # Português
ru_* ) text="Введите пароль" ;; # Russian
* ) text="Type password to unlock" ;; # Default to English
while true ; do
case "$1" in
printf "Usage: %s [options]\n\n%s\n\n" "${0##*/}" "$options"; exit 1 ;;
-d|--desktop) desktop=$(command -V wmctrl) ; shift ;;
-g|--greyscale) hue=(-level "0%,100%,0.6" -set colorspace Gray -separate -average) ; shift ;;
-p|--pixelate) effect=(-scale 10% -scale 1000%) ; shift ;;
case "$2" in
"") shift 2 ;;
*) font=$2 ; shift 2 ;;
esac ;;
-t|--text) text=$2 ; shift 2 ;;
convert -list font | awk -F: '/Font: / { print $2 }' | sort -du | command -- ${PAGER:-less}
exit 0 ;;
-n|--nofork) i3lock_cmd+=(--nofork) ; shift ;;
--) shift; shot_custom=true; break ;;
*) echo "error" ; exit 1 ;;
if "$shot_custom" && [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
text_options=(-font "$font" -pointsize 26)
text_width=$(get_text_width "$text")
command -- "${shot[@]}" "$image"
# All the arguments to be passed to convert, to add the lock and text to the monitors is collected here so that we can
# apply them in a single call to convert
# We collect the brightness values from all the monitors and average them, from that we determine which flags to pass to
# i3lock-color since the colors for i3lock-color cannot be specified per monitor.
# We could also just call get_brightness on the whole image but process_monitor samples only the center
# of the screen where the lock actually is, so we get a better value for the brightness
# Loop through all connected monitors (as reported by xrandr)
# For each monitor the convert arguments to add the lock and text to that monitor are generated
while read -r monitor; do
if [[ "$monitor" =~ ([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+) ]]; then
# We get the return value from the function by using a new file descriptor
# The traditional approach of using $(process_monitor ...) and echo doesn't work because it forks into a
# subshell and then process_monitor cannot access decoration_params
exec 3>&-
process_monitor "$width" "$height" "$x_offset" "$y_offset" && read -r brightness <&3
exec 3>&-
sum_brightness=$((brightness + sum_brightness))
num_monitors=$((num_monitors + 1))
done <<<"$(xrandr --verbose | grep "\bconnected\b")"
convert "$image" "${hue[@]}" "${effect[@]}" "${decoration_params[@]}" "$image"
avg_brightness=$((sum_brightness / num_monitors))
if [ "$avg_brightness" -gt "$threshold" ]; then # Screenshot is rather bright, so we use dark colors
param=("--textcolor=00000000" "--insidecolor=0000001c" "--ringcolor=0000003e" \
"--linecolor=00000000" "--keyhlcolor=ffffff80" "--ringvercolor=ffffff00" \
"--separatorcolor=22222260" "--insidevercolor=ffffff1c" \
"--ringwrongcolor=ffffff55" "--insidewrongcolor=ffffff1c")
else # Bright colors
param=("--textcolor=ffffff00" "--insidecolor=ffffff1c" "--ringcolor=ffffff3e" \
"--linecolor=ffffff00" "--keyhlcolor=00000080" "--ringvercolor=00000000" \
"--separatorcolor=22222260" "--insidevercolor=0000001c" \
"--ringwrongcolor=00000055" "--insidewrongcolor=0000001c")
# If invoked with -d/--desktop, we'll attempt to minimize all windows (ie. show
# the desktop) before locking.
${desktop} ${desktop:+-k on}
# try to use i3lock with prepared parameters
if ! "${i3lock_cmd[@]}" "${param[@]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# We have failed, lets get back to stock one
# As above, if we were passed -d/--desktop, we'll attempt to restore all windows
# after unlocking.
${desktop} ${desktop:+-k off}