#!/bin/bash # getProgressString <TOTAL ITEMS> <FILLED LOOK> <NOT FILLED LOOK> <STATUS> # For instance: # $ getProgressString 10 "#" "-" 50 # #####----- # Note: if you want to use | in your progress bar string you need to change the delimiter in the sed commands ITEMS="$1" # The total number of items(the width of the bar) FILLED_ITEM="$2" # The look of a filled item NOT_FILLED_ITEM="$3" # The look of a not filled item STATUS="$4" # The current progress status in percent # calculate how many items need to be filled and not filled FILLED_ITEMS=$(echo "((${ITEMS} * ${STATUS})/100 + 0.5) / 1" | bc) NOT_FILLED_ITEMS=$(echo "$ITEMS - $FILLED_ITEMS" | bc) # Assemble the bar string msg=$(printf "%${FILLED_ITEMS}s" | sed "s| |${FILLED_ITEM}|g") msg=${msg}$(printf "%${NOT_FILLED_ITEMS}s" | sed "s| |${NOT_FILLED_ITEM}|g") echo "$msg"