
200 lines
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package ru.bvn13.imdbspider.collection;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import ru.bvn13.imdbspider.collection.composer.CollectionComposer;
import ru.bvn13.imdbspider.collection.exceptions.CollectionComposerException;
* Hello world!
public class Runner {
public static final class Settings {
@Option(name = "--library-path", aliases = {"-l"}, usage = "Library path", required = true)
private String libraryPath;
@Option(name = "--output-path", aliases = {"-o"}, usage = "Output path", required = true)
private String outputPath;
@Option(name = "--recursive", aliases = {"-r"}, usage = "Recursive")
private boolean isRecursive;
@Option(name = "--collection-template", aliases = {"-ct"}, usage = "HTML as Collection template")
private String collectionTemplatePath;
@Option(name = "--movie-template", aliases = {"-mt"}, usage = "HTML as Movie template")
private String movieTemplatePath;
@Option(name = "--row-template", aliases = {"-rt"}, usage = "HTML as row template")
private String rowTemplatePath;
@Option(name = "--movies-per-row", aliases = {"-mr"}, usage = "Number, count of movies into one row (default = 3)")
private int moviesPerRow;
@Option(name = "--collection-identifier", aliases = {"-ci"}, usage = "Substring in Collection template to be replaced with composed Collection block (default = '{{collection}}')")
private String collectionIdentifier;
@Option(name = "--row-identifier", aliases = {"-ri"}, usage = "Substring in Row template to be replaced with composed Row block (default = '{{row]]')")
private String rowIdentigier;
@Option(name = "--movie-title-identifier", aliases = {"-mti"}, usage = "Substring in Movie template to be replaced with movie title (default '{{title}}')")
private String movieTitleIdentifier;
@Option(name = "--movie-poster-identifier", aliases = {"-mpi"}, usage = "Substring in Movie template to be replaced with movie poster (default '{{poster}}')")
private String moviePosterIdentifier;
@Option(name = "--movie-filename-identifier", aliases = {"-mfi"}, usage = "Substring in Movie template to be replaced with movie filename (default '{{filename}}')")
private String movieFilenameIdentifier;
@Option(name = "--categorized", aliases = {"-c"}, usage = "Use first level directory into Library path as category")
private boolean isCategorized;
@Option(name = "--encoding", aliases = {"-e"}, usage = "Encoding (default = utf-8)")
private String encoding;
public String toString() {
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE);
//#region _GETTERS_
public String getLibraryPath() {
return libraryPath;
public String getOutputPath() {
return outputPath;
public boolean isRecursive() {
return isRecursive;
public String getCollectionTemplatePath() {
return collectionTemplatePath;
public String getMovieTemplatePath() {
return movieTemplatePath;
public String getCollectionIdentifier() {
return collectionIdentifier;
public boolean isCategorized() {
return isCategorized;
public String getEncoding() {
return encoding;
public String getMovieTitleIdentifier() {
return movieTitleIdentifier;
public String getMoviePosterIdentifier() {
return moviePosterIdentifier;
public String getRowTemplatePath() {
return rowTemplatePath;
public int getMoviesPerRow() {
return moviesPerRow;
public String getRowIdentigier() {
return rowIdentigier;
private void fillUpWithDefaults(Settings settings) {
if (settings.encoding == null || settings.encoding.trim().isEmpty()) {
settings.encoding = "utf-8";
if (settings.collectionTemplatePath == null || settings.collectionTemplatePath.isEmpty()) {
settings.collectionTemplatePath = getClass().getResource("/templates/collection.html").getPath();
if (settings.movieTemplatePath == null || settings.movieTemplatePath.isEmpty()) {
settings.movieTemplatePath = getClass().getResource("/templates/movie.html").getPath();
if (settings.rowTemplatePath == null || settings.rowTemplatePath.isEmpty()) {
settings.rowTemplatePath = getClass().getResource("/templates/row.html").getPath();
if (settings.collectionIdentifier == null || settings.collectionIdentifier.trim().isEmpty()) {
settings.collectionIdentifier = "{{collection}}";
if (settings.rowIdentigier == null || settings.rowIdentigier.isEmpty()) {
settings.rowIdentigier = "{{row}}";
if (settings.movieTitleIdentifier == null || settings.movieTitleIdentifier.isEmpty()) {
settings.movieTitleIdentifier = "{{title}}";
if (settings.moviePosterIdentifier == null || settings.moviePosterIdentifier.isEmpty()) {
settings.moviePosterIdentifier = "{{poster}}";
if (settings.movieFilenameIdentifier == null || settings.movieFilenameIdentifier.isEmpty()) {
settings.movieFilenameIdentifier = "{{filename}}";
if (settings.moviesPerRow <= 0) {
settings.moviesPerRow = 3;
private void start(String[] args) throws CollectionComposerException {
Settings settings = new Settings();
CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(settings);
try {
System.out.println("settings = " + settings);
} catch (CmdLineException e) {
System.err.println("e = " + e.toString());
CollectionComposer composer = new CollectionComposer();
public static void main(String[] args) throws CollectionComposerException {
Runner runner = new Runner();