import random from random import shuffle SIZE = 10 class Utils(object) : def _setUpCells(cells) : global SIZE for x in range(0, SIZE) : for y in range(0, SIZE) : cells.append({'x':x,'y':y}) shuffle(cells) def _copyFieldData(field) : data = {} for y in field : data[y] = {} for x in field[y] : data[y][x] = field[y][x] ################################################################## class ShipsGame(object) : """ SHIPS Game """ seed = 0 def __init__(self, seed=0) : ShipsGame.seed = seed if seed > 0 else random.random() * 99999999 random.seed(ShipsGame.seed) self.player = Player() self.enemy = Player() self.lastPlayer = None self.winPlayer = None self.isEnd = False self.enemy.generateShips() def makeMove(self, field, pos) : ship = field.findShip(pos) if (ship) : ship.bomb(pos) return True return False def letPlayerMove(self, pos) : if (not self.lastPlayer or self.lastPlayer == self.enemy) : self.makeMove(self.enemy.field, pos) isAimedBefore = False for aim in self.enemy.aims : if (aim.eq(pos)) : isAimedBefore = True if (not isAimedBefore) : self.enemy.aims.append(pos) self.lastPlayer = self.player if (self.enemy.isDead()) : self.winPlayer = self.player self.isEnd = True return True else : return False def letEnemyMove(self, pos) : if (self.lastPlayer == self.player) : self.makeMove(self.player.field, pos) isAimedBefore = False for aim in self.player.aims : if (aim.eq(pos)) : isAimedBefore = True if (not isAimedBefore) : self.player.aims.append(pos) self.lastPlayer = self.enemy if (self.player.isDead()) : self.winPlayer = self.enemy self.isEnd = True return True else : return False def getResult(self) : if (self.winPlayer == self.enemy) : return "ENEMY WIN" elif (self.winPlayer == self.player) : return "PLAYER WIN" else : return "NOT ENDED?" class Vector2(object) : """ X,Y Coordinates """ def __init__(self, x=0, y=0) : self.x = x self.y = y self.isDead = False def eq(self, pos) : return self.x==pos.x and self.y==pos.y def set(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return "(x=%d,y=%d)" % (self.x, self.y) class MoveData(object) : def __init__(self, player, pos) : self.player = player self.pos = pos class Ship(object) : """ Ship """ def __init__(self) : self.pos = Vector2() self.vector = Vector2(x=1) if random.random() <= 0.5 else Vector2(y=1) self.length = 0 = [] def _create(length) : """ Create ship by length """ s = Ship() s.pos = Vector2() s.vector = Vector2(x=1) s.length = length s.__generateData() return s def __generateData(self) : """ Generates all ship's cells """ if (len( != self.length) : = [] for i in range(0, self.length) : + self.vector.x * i, self.pos.y + self.vector.y * i)) else : for i in range(0, self.length) :[i].set(self.pos.x + self.vector.x * i, self.pos.y + self.vector.y * i) def isDead(self) : for v in : if (not v.isDead) : return False return True def bomb(self, pos) : for v in : if (v.eq(pos)) : v.isDead = True return True return False def reset(self) : """ Resets ship position """ self.pox = Vector2() self.vector = Vector2(x=1) self.__generateData() def moveTo(self, pos) : """ Moves ship to the position """ self.pos = pos self.__generateData() def turn(self): self.vector.x = 1 - self.vector.x self.vector.y = 1 - self.vector.y self.__generateData() def isAt(self, pos) : """ Check if cell belong to ship """ for v in : if (v.eq(pos)) : return True return False def at(self, pos) : for v in : if (v.eq(pos)) : return v return None def asFieldPart(self) : """ Returns all cells of ship """ field = {} for v in : #initing all cells of ship Field._createCell(field, v, 1) #initing nearest cells Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x-1, v.y-1), 1) Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x-1, v.y), 1) Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x-1, v.y+1), 1) Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x, v.y-1), 1) Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x, v.y+1), 1) Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x+1, v.y-1), 1) Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x+1, v.y), 1) Field._createCell(field, Vector2(v.x+1, v.y+1), 1) return field def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return "SHIP %s, len=%d, %s" % (self.pos, self.length, ("H" if self.vector.x > 0 else "V")) class Field(object) : """ 0 or None - empty 1 - ship NOT >1 - ship border 2 - bombed ship 3 - failed bombing """ global SIZE size = SIZE def __init__(self, player) : global SIZE self.player = player = {} self.ships = [] self.cells = [] Utils._setUpCells(self.cells) def putShip(self, ship) : """ Puts ship on field """ if (not Field._valid(Vector2(ship.pos.x + ship.vector.x * ship.length, ship.pos.y + ship.vector.y * ship.length))) : return False for v in : if (self.__contains(v)) : return False shipCells = ship.asFieldPart() for y in shipCells : for x in shipCells[y] : if (self.__contains(Vector2(x, y))) : return False for cell in : Field._createCell(, cell)[cell.y][cell.x] = 1 return True def removeShip(self, ship) : """ Removes ship from field """ shipCells = ship.asFieldPart() for y in shipCells : for x in shipCells[y] : if (self.__contains(Vector2(x, y))) : return False for y in shipCells : for x in shipCells[y] : v = Vector2(x, y) Field._createCell(, v)[y][x] = max(0, 0 if ship.isAt(v) else ([y][x] - 1)) return True def findShip(self, pos) : for ship in self.ships : if (ship.isAt(pos)) : return ship return None def arrangementShips(self, ships, firstShipIndex) : """ Tries to arrangement ships recursively """ if firstShipIndex >= len(ships) : return True for i in range(firstShipIndex, len(ships)) : ship = ships[i] if (random.random() >= 0.5) : ship.turn() for cell in self.cells : v = Vector2(cell['x'], cell['y']) ship.moveTo(v) if (self.putShip(ship)) : if (self.arrangementShips(ships, firstShipIndex+1)) : self.ships.append(ship) return True self.removeShip(ship) if ship in self.ships : self.ships.remove(ship) ship.reset() return False def _createCell(data, pos, val=0) : """ Creates cell into field dictionary """ if (not Field._valid(pos)) : return if (not pos.y in data) : data.update({pos.y : {}}) if (not pos.x in data[pos.y]) : data[pos.y][pos.x] = val def _valid(pos) : """ Checks if cell is valid into field """ return (pos.x >=0 and pos.x < Field.size and pos.y >= 0 and pos.y < Field.size) def __contains(self, pos) : if (pos.y in and pos.x in[pos.y]) : return[pos.y][pos.x] > 0 return False def __positionIsUnderShip(self, pos) : for ship in self.ships : if (ship.isAt(pos)) : return True return False def prepare(self) : """ DOES NOT WORK """ raise RuntimeError("Method does not work") for ship in self.ships : shipCells = ship.asFieldPart() for y in shipCells : for x in shipCells[y] : v = Vector2(x,y) Field._createCell(, v) if (not ship.isAt(v)) :[y][x] =[y][x]+1 def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): global SIZE str = "" for y in range(0, SIZE) : line = "(" for x in range(0, SIZE) : pos = Vector2(x,y) isUnderShip = False for ship in self.ships : if (ship.isAt(pos)) : line += "%s" % ('*' if else '1') isUnderShip = True if (not isUnderShip) : isBombed = False for v in self.player.aims : if (v.eq(pos)) : line += '+' isBombed = True if (not isBombed) : line += '-' #line += "%s" % #([y][x] if (y in and x in[y] and[y][x] > 0) else '-', ) line += ")\n" str += line return str class Player(object) : def __init__(self) : self.field = Field(self) self.aims = [] def isDead(self) : for ship in self.field.ships : if (not ship.isDead()) : return False return True def generateShips(self) : ships = [] ships.append(Ship._create(4)) for i in range(0, 2) : ships.append(Ship._create(3)) for i in range(0, 3) : ships.append(Ship._create(2)) for i in range(0, 4) : ships.append(Ship._create(1)) print("Count: %s" % len(ships)) if (not self.field.arrangementShips(ships, 0)) : raise "Could not generate ships with seed %d" % (ShipsGame.seed) if __name__ == '__main__' : game = ShipsGame() game.player.generateShips() while (not game.isEnd) : print("\n\n") print("ENEMY") print(game.enemy.field) print("PLAYER") print(game.player.field) command = input("ENTER MOVE: ") pos = None print("MOVE: %s" % command) try : coords = command.split(',') x = coords[0].strip() y = coords[1].strip() pos = Vector2(int(x), int(y)) except : print("WRONG COMMAND!") continue print("PLAYER's BOMBING: %s" % pos) game.letPlayerMove(pos) searching = True cells = [] Utils._setUpCells(cells) while (searching) : pos = cells[int(random.random() * len(cells))] pos = Vector2(pos['x'], pos['y']) isAimedBefore = False for aim in game.enemy.aims : if (aim.eq(pos)) : isAimedBefore = True if (isAimedBefore) : continue searching = False print("ENEMY's BOMBING: %s" % pos) game.letEnemyMove(pos) print("ENEMY") print(game.enemy.field) print("PLAYER") print(game.player.field) print("%s" % game.getResult())