Initial checkin

swillison 2007-02-28 10:26:08 +00:00
parent 931c217e8a
commit ea529bb1f1
2 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions

trunk/ 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
CSS selector support for BeautifulSoup.
soup = BeautifulSoup('<html>...')
select(soup, 'div')
- returns a list of div elements
select(soup, 'div#main ul a')
- returns a list of links inside a ul inside div#main
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as Soup
import re
tag_re = re.compile('^[a-z]+$')
attribselect_re = re.compile(
r'^(?P<tag>\w+)?\[(?P<attribute>\w+)(?P<operator>[=~\|\^\$\*]?)' +
# /^(\w+)\[(\w+)([=~\|\^\$\*]?)=?"?([^\]"]*)"?\]$/
# \---/ \---/\-------------/ \-------/
# | | | |
# | | | The value
# | | ~,|,^,$,* or =
# | Attribute
# Tag
def attribute_checker(operator, attribute, value=''):
Takes an operator, attribute and optional value; returns a function that
will return True for elements that match that combination.
return {
'=': lambda el: el.get(attribute) == value,
# attribute includes value as one of a set of space separated tokens
'~': lambda el: value in el.get(attribute, '').split(),
# attribute starts with value
'^': lambda el: el.get(attribute, '').startswith(value),
# attribute ends with value
'$': lambda el: el.get(attribute, '').endswith(value),
# attribute contains value
'*': lambda el: value in el.get(attribute, ''),
# attribute is either exactly value or starts with value-
'|': lambda el: el.get(attribute, '') == value \
or el.get(attribute, '').startswith('%s-' % value),
}.get(operator, lambda el: el.has_key(attribute))
def select(soup, selector):
tokens = selector.split()
current_context = [soup]
for token in tokens:
m = attribselect_re.match(token)
if m:
# Attribute selector
tag, attribute, operator, value = m.groups()
if not tag:
tag = True
checker = attribute_checker(operator, attribute, value)
found = []
for context in current_context:
found.extend([el for el in context.findAll(tag) if checker(el)])
current_context = found
if '#' in token:
# ID selector
tag, id = token.split('#', 1)
if not tag:
tag = True
el = current_context[0].find(tag, {'id': id})
if not el:
return [] # No match
current_context = [el]
if '.' in token:
# Class selector
tag, klass = token.split('.', 1)
if not tag:
tag = True
found = []
for context in current_context:
{'class': lambda attr: attr and klass in attr.split()}
current_context = found
if token == '*':
# Star selector
found = []
for context in current_context:
current_context = found
# Here we should just have a regular tag
if not tag_re.match(token):
return []
found = []
for context in current_context:
current_context = found
return current_context

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@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
import unittest
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from soupselect import select
class TestBasicSelectors(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML)
def assertSelects(self, selector, expected_ids):
el_ids = [el['id'] for el in select(self.soup, selector)]
self.assertEqual(expected_ids, el_ids,
"Selector %s, expected [%s], got [%s]" % (
selector, ', '.join(expected_ids), ', '.join(el_ids)
assertSelect = assertSelects
def assertSelectMultiple(self, *tests):
for selector, expected_ids in tests:
self.assertSelect(selector, expected_ids)
def test_one_tag_one(self):
els = select(self.soup, 'title')
self.assertEqual(len(els), 1)
self.assertEqual(els[0].name, 'title')
self.assertEqual(els[0].contents, [u'The title'])
def test_one_tag_many(self):
els = select(self.soup, 'div')
self.assertEqual(len(els), 3)
for div in els:
self.assertEqual(, 'div')
def test_tag_in_tag_one(self):
els = select(self.soup, 'div div')
self.assertSelects('div div', ['inner'])
def test_tag_in_tag_many(self):
for selector in ('html div', 'html body div', 'body div'):
self.assertSelects(selector, ['main', 'inner', 'footer'])
def test_tag_no_match(self):
self.assertEqual(len(select(self.soup, 'del')), 0)
def test_invalid_tag(self):
self.assertEqual(len(select(self.soup, 'tag%t')), 0)
def test_class_one(self):
for selector in ('.onep', 'p.onep', 'html p.onep'):
els = select(self.soup, selector)
self.assertEqual(len(els), 1)
self.assertEqual(els[0].name, 'p')
self.assertEqual(els[0]['class'], 'onep')
def test_class_mismatched_tag(self):
els = select(self.soup, 'div.onep')
self.assertEqual(len(els), 0)
def test_one_id(self):
for selector in ('div#inner', '#inner', 'div div#inner'):
self.assertSelects(selector, ['inner'])
def test_bad_id(self):
els = select(self.soup, '#doesnotexist')
self.assertEqual(len(els), 0)
def test_items_in_id(self):
els = select(self.soup, 'div#inner p')
self.assertEqual(len(els), 3)
for el in els:
self.assertEqual(, 'p')
self.assertEqual(els[1]['class'], 'onep')
self.assert_(not els[0].has_key('class'))
def test_a_bunch_of_emptys(self):
for selector in ('div#main del', 'div#main div.oops', 'div div#main'):
self.assertEqual(len(select(self.soup, selector)), 0)
def test_multi_class_support(self):
for selector in ('.class1', 'p.class1', '.class2', 'p.class2',
'.class3', 'p.class3', 'html p.class2', 'div#inner .class2'):
self.assertSelects(selector, ['pmulti'])
def test_attribute_equals(self):
('p[class="onep"]', ['p1']),
('p[id="p1"]', ['p1']),
('[class="onep"]', ['p1']),
('[id="p1"]', ['p1']),
('link[rel="stylesheet"]', ['l1']),
('link[type="text/css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href="blah.css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('[rel="stylesheet"]', ['l1']),
('[type="text/css"]', ['l1']),
('[href="blah.css"]', ['l1']),
('[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('p[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
def test_attribute_tilde(self):
('p[class~="class1"]', ['pmulti']),
('p[class~="class2"]', ['pmulti']),
('p[class~="class3"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class1"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class2"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class3"]', ['pmulti']),
('a[rel~="friend"]', ['bob']),
('a[rel~="met"]', ['bob']),
('[rel~="friend"]', ['bob']),
('[rel~="met"]', ['bob']),
def test_attribute_startswith(self):
('[rel^="style"]', ['l1']),
('link[rel^="style"]', ['l1']),
('notlink[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('link[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('link[href^="bla"]', ['l1']),
('a[href^="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[href^="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[id^="p"]', ['pmulti', 'p1']),
('[id^="m"]', ['me', 'main']),
('div[id^="m"]', ['main']),
('a[id^="m"]', ['me']),
def test_attribute_endswith(self):
('[href$=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href$=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[id$="1"]', ['l1']),
('[id$="1"]', ['l1', 'p1']),
('div[id$="1"]', []),
('[id$="noending"]', []),
def test_attribute_contains(self):
# From test_attribute_startswith
('[rel*="style"]', ['l1']),
('link[rel*="style"]', ['l1']),
('notlink[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('link[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('link[href*="bla"]', ['l1']),
('a[href*="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[href*="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[id*="p"]', ['pmulti', 'p1']),
('div[id*="m"]', ['main']),
('a[id*="m"]', ['me']),
# From test_attribute_endswith
('[href*=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href*=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[id*="1"]', ['l1']),
('[id*="1"]', ['l1', 'p1']),
('div[id*="1"]', []),
('[id*="noending"]', []),
# New for this test
('[href*="."]', ['bob', 'me', 'l1']),
('a[href*="."]', ['bob', 'me']),
('link[href*="."]', ['l1']),
('div[id*="n"]', ['main', 'inner']),
('div[id*="nn"]', ['inner']),
def test_attribute_exact_or_hypen(self):
('p[lang|="en"]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us']),
('[lang|="en"]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us']),
('p[lang|="fr"]', ['lang-fr']),
('p[lang|="gb"]', []),
def test_attribute_exists(self):
('[rel]', ['l1', 'bob', 'me']),
('link[rel]', ['l1']),
('a[rel]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[lang]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us', 'lang-fr']),
('p[class]', ['p1', 'pmulti']),
('[blah]', []),
('p[blah]', []),
HTML = """
<title>The title</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="blah.css" type="text/css" id="l1">
<div id="main">
<div id="inner">
<p>Some text</p>
<p class="onep" id="p1">Some more text</p>
<p class="class1 class2 class3" id="pmulti">Another</p>
<a href="" rel="friend met" id="bob">Bob</a>
<a id="me" href="" rel="me">me</a>
<p lang="en" id="lang-en">English</p>
<p lang="en-gb" id="lang-en-gb">English UK</p>
<p lang="en-us" id="lang-en-us">English US</p>
<p lang="fr" id="lang-fr">French</p>
<div id="footer">
if __name__ == '__main__':