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2024-09-02 22:47:30 +03:00
2024-09-02 22:47:30 +03:00
2024-09-02 22:47:30 +03:00


Check that you have cloned signoz/signoz and currently are in signoz/deploy folder.


If you don't have docker set up, please follow this guide to set up docker before proceeding with the next steps.

Using Install Script

Now run the following command to install:


Using Docker Compose

If you don't have docker-compose set up, please follow this guide to set up docker compose before proceeding with the next steps.

For x86 chip (amd):

docker-compose -f docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml up -d

Open http://localhost:3301 in your favourite browser. In couple of minutes, you should see the data generated from hotrod in SigNoz UI.


Using Helm

Bring up SigNoz cluster

helm repo add signoz https://charts.signoz.io

kubectl create ns platform

helm -n platform install my-release signoz/signoz

To access the UI, you can port-forward the frontend service:

kubectl -n platform port-forward svc/my-release-frontend 3301:3301

Open http://localhost:3301 in your favourite browser. Few minutes after you generate load from the HotROD application, you should see the data generated from hotrod in SigNoz UI.

Test HotROD application with SigNoz

kubectl create ns sample-application

kubectl -n sample-application apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SigNoz/signoz/develop/sample-apps/hotrod/hotrod.yaml

To generate load:

kubectl -n sample-application run strzal --image=djbingham/curl \
--restart='OnFailure' -i --tty --rm --command -- curl -X POST -F \
'user_count=6' -F 'spawn_rate=2' http://locust-master:8089/swarm

To stop load:

kubectl -n sample-application run strzal --image=djbingham/curl \
 --restart='OnFailure' -i --tty --rm --command -- curl \


Go to our official documentation site signoz.io/docs for more.