383 lines
13 KiB
383 lines
13 KiB
import socket
import json
import math
from typing import Dict, Union
import time
import string
from random import choices
import miney
class Minetest:
"""__init__([server, playername, password, [port]])
The Minetest server object. All other objects are accessable from here. By creating an object you connect to Minetest.
**Parameters aren't required, if you run miney and minetest on the same computer.**
*If you connect over LAN or Internet to a Minetest server with installed mineysocket, you have to provide a valid
playername with a password:*
>>> mt = Minetest("", "MyNick", "secret_password")
Account creation is done by starting Minetest and connect to a server with a username
and password. https://wiki.minetest.net/Getting_Started#Play_Online
:param str server: IP or DNS name of an minetest server with installed apisocket mod
:param str playername: A name to identify yourself to the server.
:param str password: Your password
:param int port: The apisocket port, defaults to 29999
def __init__(self, server: str = "", playername: str = None, password: str = "", port: int = 29999):
Connect to the minetest server.
:param server: IP or DNS name of an minetest server with installed apisocket mod
:param port: The apisocket port, defaults to 29999
self.server = server
self.port = port
if playername:
self.playername = playername
self.playername = miney.default_playername
self.password = password
# setup connection
self.connection = None
self.event_queue = [] # List for collected but unprocessed events
self.result_queue = {} # List for unprocessed results
self.callbacks = {}
self.clientid = None # The clientid we got from mineysocket after successful authentication
# objects representing local properties
self._lua: miney.lua.Lua = miney.Lua(self)
self._chat: miney.chat.Chat = miney.Chat(self)
self._node: miney.node.Node = miney.Node(self)
player = self.lua.run(
local players = {}
for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
return players
if player:
player = [] if len(player) == 0 else player
raise miney.DataError("Received malformed player data.")
self._player = miney.PlayerIterable(self, player)
self._tools_cache = self.lua.run(
local nodes = {}
for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_tools) do
table.insert(nodes, name)
end return nodes
self._tool = miney.ToolIterable(self, self._tools_cache)
def _connect(self):
# setup connection
self.connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.connection.connect((self.server, self.port))
def _authenticate(self):
Authenticate to mineysocket.
:return: None
# authenticate
self.send({"playername": self.playername, "password": self.password})
result = self.receive("auth")
if result:
if "auth_ok" not in result:
raise miney.AuthenticationError("Wrong playername or password")
self.clientid = result[1] # Clientid = <IP>:<Port>
raise miney.DataError("Unexpected authentication result.")
def send(self, data: Dict):
Send json objects to the miney-socket.
:param data:
chunk_size = 4096
raw_data: bytes = str.encode(json.dumps(data) + "\n")
if len(raw_data) < chunk_size:
else: # we need to break the message in chunks
for i in range(0, int(math.ceil((len(raw_data)/chunk_size)))):
raw_data[i * chunk_size:chunk_size + (i * chunk_size)]
time.sleep(0.01) # Give luasocket a chance to read the buffer in time
# todo: Protocol change, that every chunked message needs a response before sending the next
except ConnectionAbortedError:
def receive(self, result_id: str = None, timeout: float = None) -> Union[str, bool]:
Receive data and events from minetest.
With an optional result_id this function waits for a result with that id by call itself until the right result
was received. **If lua.run() was used this is not necessary, cause miney already takes care of it.**
With the optional timeout the blocking waiting time for data can be changed.
:Example to receive and print all events:
>>> while True:
>>> print("Event received:", mt.receive())
:param str result_id: Wait for this result id
:param float timeout: Block further execution until data received or timeout in seconds is over.
:rtype: Union[str, bool]
:return: Data from mineysocket
def format_result(result_data):
if type(result_data["result"]) in (list, dict):
if len(result_data["result"]) == 0:
if len(result_data["result"]) == 1: # list with single element doesn't needs a list
return result_data["result"][0]
if len(result_data["result"]) > 1:
return tuple(result_data["result"])
return result_data["result"]
# Check if we have to return something received earlier
if result_id in self.result_queue:
result = format_result(self.result_queue[result_id])
del self.result_queue[result_id]
return result
# Without a result_id we run an event callback
elif not result_id and len(self.event_queue):
result = self.event_queue[0]
del self.event_queue[0]
# Set a new timeout to prevent long waiting for a timeout
if timeout:
# receive the raw data and try to decode json
data_buffer = b""
while "\n" not in data_buffer.decode():
data_buffer = data_buffer + self.connection.recv(4096)
data = json.loads(data_buffer.decode())
except socket.timeout:
raise miney.LuaResultTimeout()
# process data
if "result" in data:
if result_id: # do we need a specific result?
if data["id"] == result_id: # we've got the result we wanted
return format_result(data)
# We store this for later processing
self.result_queue[data["id"]] = data
elif "error" in data:
if data["error"] == "authentication error":
if self.clientid:
# maybe a server restart or timeout. We just reauthenticate.
raise miney.SessionReconnected()
else: # the server kicked us
raise miney.AuthenticationError("Wrong playername or password")
raise miney.LuaError("Lua-Error: " + data["error"])
elif "event" in data:
# if we don't got our result we have to receive again
if result_id:
except ConnectionAbortedError:
self.receive(result_id, timeout)
def on_event(self, name: str, callback: callable) -> None:
Sets a callback function for specific events.
:param name: The name of the event
:param callback: A callback function
:return: None
# Match answer to request
result_id = ''.join(choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=6))
self.callbacks[name] = callback
self.send({'activate_event': {'event': name}, 'id': result_id})
def _run_callback(self, data: dict):
if data['event'] in self.callbacks:
# self.callbacks[data['event']](**data['event']['params'])
if type(data['params']) is dict:
elif type(data['params']) is list:
def chat(self):
Object with chat functions.
>>> mt.chat.send_to_all("My chat message")
:return: :class:`miney.Chat`: chat object
return self._chat
def node(self):
Manipulate and get information's about nodes.
:return: :class:`miney.Node`: Node manipulation functions
return self._node
def log(self, line: str):
Write a line in the servers logfile.
:param line: The log line
:return: None
return self.lua.run('minetest.log("action", "{}")'.format(line))
def player(self):
Get a single players object.
Make a player 5 times faster:
>>> mt.player.MyPlayername.speed = 5
Use a playername from a variable:
>>> player = "MyPlayername"
>>> mt.player[player].speed = 5
Get a list of all players
>>> list(mt.player)
[<minetest player "MineyPlayer">, <minetest player "SecondPlayer">, ...]
:return: :class:`miney.Player`: Player related functions
return self._player
def lua(self):
Functions to run Lua inside Minetest.
:return: :class:`miney.Lua`: Lua related functions
return self._lua
def time_of_day(self) -> int:
Get and set the time of the day between 0 and 1, where 0 stands for midnight, 0.5 for midday.
:return: time of day as float.
return self.lua.run("return minetest.get_timeofday()")
def time_of_day(self, value: float):
if 0 <= value <= 1:
self.lua.run("return minetest.set_timeofday({})".format(value))
raise ValueError("Time value has to be between 0 and 1.")
def settings(self) -> dict:
Receive all server settings defined in "minetest.conf".
:return: A dict with all non-default settings.
return self.lua.run("return minetest.settings:to_table()")
def tool(self) -> 'miney.ToolIterable':
All available tools in the game, sorted by categories. In the end it just returns the corresponding
minetest tool string, so `mt.tool.default.axe_stone` returns the string 'default:axe_stone'.
It's a nice shortcut in REPL, cause with auto completion you have only pressed 2-4 keys to get to your type.
Directly access a tool:
>>> mt.tool.default.pick_mese
Iterate over all available types:
>>> for tool_type in mt.tool:
>>> print(tool_type)
... (there should be around 34 different tools)
>>> print(len(mt.tool))
Get a list of all types:
>>> list(mt.tool)
['default:pine_tree', 'default:dry_grass_5', 'farming:desert_sand_soil', ...
Add a diamond pick axe to the first player's inventory:
>>> mt.player[0].inventory.add(mt.tool.default.pick_diamond, 1)
:rtype: :class:`ToolIterable`
:return: :class:`ToolIterable` object with categories. Look at the examples above for usage.
return self._tool
def __del__(self) -> None:
Close the connection to the server.
:return: None
def __repr__(self):
return '<minetest server "{}:{}">'.format(self.server, self.port)
def __delete__(self, instance):