import socket import json import math from typing import Dict, Union import time import string from random import choices import miney class Minetest: """__init__([server, playername, password, [port]]) The Minetest server object. All other objects are accessable from here. By creating an object you connect to Minetest. **Parameters aren't required, if you run miney and minetest on the same computer.** *If you connect over LAN or Internet to a Minetest server with installed mineysocket, you have to provide a valid playername with a password:* :: >>> mt = Minetest("", "MyNick", "secret_password") Account creation is done by starting Minetest and connect to a server with a username and password. :param str server: IP or DNS name of an minetest server with installed apisocket mod :param str playername: A name to identify yourself to the server. :param str password: Your password :param int port: The apisocket port, defaults to 29999 """ def __init__(self, server: str = "", playername: str = None, password: str = "", port: int = 29999): """ Connect to the minetest server. :param server: IP or DNS name of an minetest server with installed apisocket mod :param port: The apisocket port, defaults to 29999 """ self.server = server self.port = port if playername: self.playername = playername else: self.playername = miney.default_playername self.password = password # setup connection self.connection = None self._connect() self.event_queue = [] # List for collected but unprocessed events self.result_queue = {} # List for unprocessed results self.callbacks = {} self.clientid = None # The clientid we got from mineysocket after successful authentication self._authenticate() # objects representing local properties self._lua: miney.lua.Lua = miney.Lua(self) self._chat: = miney.Chat(self) self._node: miney.node.Node = miney.Node(self) player = """ local players = {} for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do table.insert(players,player:get_player_name()) end return players """ ) if player: player = [] if len(player) == 0 else player else: raise miney.DataError("Received malformed player data.") self._player = miney.PlayerIterable(self, player) self._tools_cache = """ local nodes = {} for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_tools) do table.insert(nodes, name) end return nodes """ ) self._tool = miney.ToolIterable(self, self._tools_cache) def _connect(self): # setup connection self.connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connection.settimeout(2.0) self.connection.connect((self.server, self.port)) def _authenticate(self): """ Authenticate to mineysocket. :return: None """ # authenticate self.send({"playername": self.playername, "password": self.password}) result = self.receive("auth") if result: if "auth_ok" not in result: raise miney.AuthenticationError("Wrong playername or password") else: self.clientid = result[1] # Clientid = : else: raise miney.DataError("Unexpected authentication result.") def send(self, data: Dict): """ Send json objects to the miney-socket. :param data: :return: """ chunk_size = 4096 raw_data: bytes = str.encode(json.dumps(data) + "\n") try: if len(raw_data) < chunk_size: self.connection.sendall(raw_data) else: # we need to break the message in chunks for i in range(0, int(math.ceil((len(raw_data)/chunk_size)))): self.connection.sendall( raw_data[i * chunk_size:chunk_size + (i * chunk_size)] ) time.sleep(0.01) # Give luasocket a chance to read the buffer in time # todo: Protocol change, that every chunked message needs a response before sending the next except ConnectionAbortedError: self._connect() self.send(data) def receive(self, result_id: str = None, timeout: float = None) -> Union[str, bool]: """ Receive data and events from minetest. With an optional result_id this function waits for a result with that id by call itself until the right result was received. **If was used this is not necessary, cause miney already takes care of it.** With the optional timeout the blocking waiting time for data can be changed. :Example to receive and print all events: >>> while True: >>> print("Event received:", mt.receive()) :param str result_id: Wait for this result id :param float timeout: Block further execution until data received or timeout in seconds is over. :rtype: Union[str, bool] :return: Data from mineysocket """ def format_result(result_data): if type(result_data["result"]) in (list, dict): if len(result_data["result"]) == 0: return if len(result_data["result"]) == 1: # list with single element doesn't needs a list return result_data["result"][0] if len(result_data["result"]) > 1: return tuple(result_data["result"]) else: return result_data["result"] # Check if we have to return something received earlier if result_id in self.result_queue: result = format_result(self.result_queue[result_id]) del self.result_queue[result_id] return result # Without a result_id we run an event callback elif not result_id and len(self.event_queue): result = self.event_queue[0] del self.event_queue[0] self._run_callback(result) try: # Set a new timeout to prevent long waiting for a timeout if timeout: self.connection.settimeout(timeout) try: # receive the raw data and try to decode json data_buffer = b"" while "\n" not in data_buffer.decode(): data_buffer = data_buffer + self.connection.recv(4096) data = json.loads(data_buffer.decode()) except socket.timeout: raise miney.LuaResultTimeout() # process data if "result" in data: if result_id: # do we need a specific result? if data["id"] == result_id: # we've got the result we wanted return format_result(data) # We store this for later processing self.result_queue[data["id"]] = data elif "error" in data: if data["error"] == "authentication error": if self.clientid: # maybe a server restart or timeout. We just reauthenticate. self._authenticate() raise miney.SessionReconnected() else: # the server kicked us raise miney.AuthenticationError("Wrong playername or password") else: raise miney.LuaError("Lua-Error: " + data["error"]) elif "event" in data: self._run_callback(data) # if we don't got our result we have to receive again if result_id: self.receive(result_id) except ConnectionAbortedError: self._connect() self.receive(result_id, timeout) def on_event(self, name: str, callback: callable) -> None: """ Sets a callback function for specific events. :param name: The name of the event :param callback: A callback function :return: None """ # Match answer to request result_id = ''.join(choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=6)) self.callbacks[name] = callback self.send({'activate_event': {'event': name}, 'id': result_id}) def _run_callback(self, data: dict): if data['event'] in self.callbacks: # self.callbacks[data['event']](**data['event']['params']) if type(data['params']) is dict: self.callbacks[data['event']](**data['params']) elif type(data['params']) is list: self.callbacks[data['event']](*data['params']) @property def chat(self): """ Object with chat functions. :Example: >>>"My chat message") :return: :class:`miney.Chat`: chat object """ return self._chat @property def node(self): """ Manipulate and get information's about nodes. :return: :class:`miney.Node`: Node manipulation functions """ return self._node def log(self, line: str): """ Write a line in the servers logfile. :param line: The log line :return: None """ return'minetest.log("action", "{}")'.format(line)) @property def player(self): """ Get a single players object. :Examples: Make a player 5 times faster: >>> mt.player.MyPlayername.speed = 5 Use a playername from a variable: >>> player = "MyPlayername" >>> mt.player[player].speed = 5 Get a list of all players >>> list(mt.player) [, , ...] :return: :class:`miney.Player`: Player related functions """ return self._player @property def lua(self): """ Functions to run Lua inside Minetest. :return: :class:`miney.Lua`: Lua related functions """ return self._lua @property def time_of_day(self) -> int: """ Get and set the time of the day between 0 and 1, where 0 stands for midnight, 0.5 for midday. :return: time of day as float. """ return"return minetest.get_timeofday()") @time_of_day.setter def time_of_day(self, value: float): if 0 <= value <= 1:"return minetest.set_timeofday({})".format(value)) else: raise ValueError("Time value has to be between 0 and 1.") @property def settings(self) -> dict: """ Receive all server settings defined in "minetest.conf". :return: A dict with all non-default settings. """ return"return minetest.settings:to_table()") @property def tool(self) -> 'miney.ToolIterable': """ All available tools in the game, sorted by categories. In the end it just returns the corresponding minetest tool string, so `mt.tool.default.axe_stone` returns the string 'default:axe_stone'. It's a nice shortcut in REPL, cause with auto completion you have only pressed 2-4 keys to get to your type. :Examples: Directly access a tool: >>> mt.tool.default.pick_mese 'default:pick_mese' Iterate over all available types: >>> for tool_type in mt.tool: >>> print(tool_type) default:shovel_diamond default:sword_wood default:shovel_wood ... (there should be around 34 different tools) >>> print(len(mt.tool)) 34 Get a list of all types: >>> list(mt.tool) ['default:pine_tree', 'default:dry_grass_5', 'farming:desert_sand_soil', ... Add a diamond pick axe to the first player's inventory: >>> mt.player[0].inventory.add(mt.tool.default.pick_diamond, 1) :rtype: :class:`ToolIterable` :return: :class:`ToolIterable` object with categories. Look at the examples above for usage. """ return self._tool def __del__(self) -> None: """ Close the connection to the server. :return: None """ self.connection.close() def __repr__(self): return ''.format(self.server, self.port) def __delete__(self, instance): self.connection.close()