2024-12-07 01:17:53 +03:00

251 lines
9.7 KiB

import miney
from typing import Union
from copy import deepcopy
class Node:
Manipulate and get information's about nodes.
**Node manipulation is currently tested for up to 25.000 nodes, more optimization will come later**
def __init__(self, mt: miney.Minetest): = mt
self._types_cache =
local nodes = {}
for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
table.insert(nodes, name)
end return nodes
self._types = TypeIterable(self, self._types_cache)
def type(self) -> 'TypeIterable':
All available node types in the game, sorted by categories. In the end it just returns the corresponding
minetest type string, so `mt.node.types.default.dirt` returns the string 'default:dirt'.
It's a nice shortcut in REPL, cause with auto completion you have only pressed 2-4 keys to get to your type.
Directly access a type:
>>> mt.node.type.default.dirt
Iterate over all available types:
>>> for node_type in mt.node.type:
>>> print(node_type)
... (there should be over 400 different types)
>>> print(len(mt.node.type))
Get a list of all types:
>>> list(mt.node.type)
['default:pine_tree', 'default:dry_grass_5', 'farming:desert_sand_soil', ...
Add 99 dirt to player "IloveDirt"'s inventory:
>>> mt.player.IloveDirt.inventory.add(mt.node.type.default.dirt, 99)
:rtype: :class:`TypeIterable`
:return: :class:`TypeIterable` object with categories. Look at the examples above for usage.
return self._types
def set(self, nodes: Union[dict, list], name: str = None, offset: dict = None) -> None:
Set a single or multiple nodes at given position to another node type
(something like
You can get a list of all available nodes with :attr:`~miney.Minetest.node.type`
A node is defined as a dict with these keys:
* "x", "y", and "z" keys to define the absolute position
* "name" for a the node type like "default:dirt" (you can also get that from mt.node.type.default.dirt).
Dicts without name will be set as "air"
* some other optional minetest parameters
**The nodes parameter can be a single dict with the above parameters
or a list of these dicts for bulk spawning.**
Set a single node over :
>>> mt.node.set(mt.player[0].nodes, mt.node)
:param nodes: A dict or a list of dicts with node definitions
:param name: a type name like "default:dirt" as string or from :attr:`~miney.Minetest.node.type`. This overrides
node names defined in the :attr:`nodes` dict
:param offset: A dict with "x", "y", "z" keys. All node positions will be added with this values.
_nodes = deepcopy(nodes)
if offset:
if not all(pos in ['x', 'y', 'z'] for pos in offset):
raise ValueError("offset parameter dict needs y, x and z keys")
# Set a single node
if type(_nodes) is dict:
if offset:
_nodes["x"] = _nodes["x"] + offset["x"]
_nodes["y"] = _nodes["y"] + offset["y"]
_nodes["z"] = _nodes["z"] + offset["z"]
if name:
_nodes["name"] = name"minetest.set_node({}, {{name=\"{_nodes['name']}\"}})")
# Set many blocks
elif type(_nodes) is list:
lua = ""
# Loop over nodes, modify name/type, position/offset and generate lua code
for node in _nodes:
# default name to 'air'
if "name" not in node and not name:
node["name"] = "air"
if name:
if "name" not in node or (node["name"] != "air" and node["name"] != "ignore"):
node["name"] = name
if offset:
node["x"] = node["x"] + offset["x"]
node["y"] = node["y"] + offset["y"]
node["z"] = node["z"] + offset["z"]
if node["name"] != "ignore":
lua = lua + f"minetest.set_node(" \
f"{{'x': node['x'], 'y': node['y'], 'z': node['z']})}, " \
def get(self, position: dict, position2: dict = None, relative: bool = True,
offset: dict = None) -> Union[dict, list]:
Get the node at given position. It returns a dict with the node definition.
This contains the "x", "y", "z", "param1", "param2" and "name" keys, where "name" is the node type like
If also position2 is given, this function returns a list of dicts with node definitions. This list contains a
cuboid of definitions with the diagonal between position and position2.
You can get a list of all available node types with :attr:`~miney.Minetest.node.type`.
:param position: A dict with x,y,z keys
:param position2: Another point, to get multiple nodes as a list
:param relative: Return relative or absolute positions
:param offset: A dict with "x", "y", "z" keys. All node positions will be added with this values.
:return: The node type on this position
if type(position) is dict and not position2: # for a single node
_position = deepcopy(position)
if offset:
_position["x"] = _position["x"] + offset["x"]
_position["y"] = _position["y"] + offset["y"]
_position["z"] = _position["z"] + offset["z"]
node ="return minetest.get_node({})")
node["x"] = position["x"]
node["y"] = position["y"]
node["z"] = position["z"]
return node
elif type(position) is dict and type(position2) is dict: # Multiple nodes
_position = deepcopy(position)
_position2 = deepcopy(position2)
if offset:
_position["x"] = _position["x"] + offset["x"]
_position["y"] = _position["y"] + offset["y"]
_position["z"] = _position["z"] + offset["z"]
_position2["x"] = _position2["x"] + offset["x"]
_position2["y"] = _position2["y"] + offset["y"]
_position2["z"] = _position2["z"] + offset["z"]
nodes_relative = """
node["x"] = x - start_x
node["y"] = y - start_y
node["z"] = z - start_z
nodes_absolute = """
node["x"] = x
node["y"] = y
node["z"] = z
pos1 = {}
pos2 = {}
minetest.load_area(pos1, pos2)
nodes = {{}}
if pos1.x <= pos2.x then start_x = pos1.x end_x = pos2.x else start_x = pos2.x end_x = pos1.x end
if pos1.y <= pos2.y then start_y = pos1.y end_y = pos2.y else start_y = pos2.y end_y = pos1.y end
if pos1.z <= pos2.z then start_z = pos1.z end_z = pos2.z else start_z = pos2.z end_z = pos1.z end
for x = start_x, end_x do
for y = start_y, end_y do
for z = start_z, end_z do
node = minetest.get_node({{x = x, y = y, z = z}})
{nodes_relative if relative else nodes_absolute}
nodes[#nodes+1] = node -- append node
return nodes""", timeout=180)
def __repr__(self):
return '<minetest node functions>'
class TypeIterable:
"""Node type, implemented as iterable for easy autocomplete in the interactive shell"""
def __init__(self, parent, nodes_types=None):
self.__parent = parent
if nodes_types:
# get type categories list
type_categories = {}
for ntype in nodes_types:
if ":" in ntype:
type_categories[ntype.split(":")[0]] = ntype.split(":")[0]
for tc in dict.fromkeys(type_categories):
self.__setattr__(tc, TypeIterable(parent))
# values to categories
for ntype in nodes_types:
if ":" in ntype:
self.__getattribute__(ntype.split(":")[0]).__setattr__(ntype.split(":")[1], ntype)
self.__setattr__(ntype, ntype) # for 'air' and 'ignore'
def __iter__(self):
# todo: list(mt.node.type.default) should return only default group
return iter(self.__parent._types_cache)
def __getitem__(self, item_key):
if type(self.__parent) is not type(self): # if we don't have a category below
return self.__getattribute__(item_key)
if item_key in self.__parent.node_types:
return item_key
if type(item_key) == int:
return self.__parent.node_types[item_key]
raise IndexError("unknown node type")
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__parent._types_cache)